Partners and Sponsors
Supporting SPOT Nordic means supporting a qualified and differentiated community, with the capacity to elevate Portugal's name and encourage the development of society as a whole, inside and outside Portugal.
Visibility of the brand/institution before the Portuguese community in the Nordic countries
Access to highly qualified profiles, creating opportunities for future synergies
Support for the scientific, professional and academic development of Portuguese citizens
Exhibition of the organization, projects, promotion of services and own page with SPOT Nordic
Direito a utilizar o logotipo da SPOT Nordic como parceiro em iniciativas e projetos, tal como na divulgação de atividades de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa
Possibility of creating services tailored to the organization's members. Disclosure of specific services through its own page on the website.
Access to information dissemination in the Newsletter and advertising.
Access to static advertising tools on the website and at events. Possibility of having active advertising on SPOT Nordic communication channels.
Acesso à lista de membros e contactos dos Associados da SPOT Nordic de acordo com RGPD da UE.
Possibility of creating and developing joint projects.
Sponsorship categories represent different access to the benefits of sponsoring the Association.
Use of the SPOT Nordic logo
Static advertising on the website
Mention in the newsletter
Promotion of 4 annual events through the SPOT Nordic events area
Disclosure of 2 annual news items in the platform's news area
(>1,000€ & <2,500€/Year)
All Gold benefits
Access to the publication of 3 annual references in the Newsletter
Active Advertising on SOT Nordic communication channels
Possibility of creating Services tailored to the organization
Own page on the SPOT Nordic website
Access to your own profile in the private area of the SPOT Nordic Platform
Possibility to advertise open professional vacancies
Participation in discussion and opinion forums
All Platinum Advantages
Access to the Association's profiles, list of members and contacts in accordance with EU GDPR
Placement of exhibitors at sponsored events
Active advertising in all SPOT Nordic promotional materials
Possibility to organize special events and sessions during sponsored events
Possibility to organize joint projects
Sponsorship agreements and their respective values must be discussed and approved by the Executive Management in accordance with the advantages included in the agreement.