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Social entities

Executive Direction

The Executive Management is responsible for the daily management of SPOT Nordic, including the preparation of the activity plan and budget, activity reports and accounts for each mandate.

It is the responsibility of the Management to appoint the Coordination of the Scientific Council, approve the constitution and rules of the Scientific Council and appoint the National Representatives.

Coordination of the Scientific Council

A Coordenadora do Conselho Científico é nomeada pela Direção. É da sua responsabilidade fazer a ponte entre a Direção e o Conselho Científico de modo a garantir os objetivos definidos nos Planos de atividades.

National Representatives

National Representatives are appointed by the Board of Directors and must represent the countries that belong to the geographical area where the Association operates. National representation is not cumulative with the role of President of the Board. The country of residence of the Presidency is excluded from the need to appoint a representative.



Scientific Council

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