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Signing of a Protocol between SPOT Nordic and FCT

SPOT Nordic and FCT Sign Protocol to Strengthen Scientific Cooperation

SPOT Nordic and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) are pleased to announce the conclusion of a strategic protocol aimed at strengthening scientific and technological cooperation between Portugal and the Nordic countries, namely Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland . This protocol, signed in 2024, represents an important milestone for the promotion of scientific diplomacy and the development of robust research links between the two regions.

Objectives of the Protocol

The main objective of this protocol is to foster collaboration in strategic research areas, promoting the transfer of knowledge and innovation. Specific objectives include:

  • Strengthen scientific diplomacy between Portugal and the Nordic countries.

  • Facilitate international cooperation and academic exchange between research institutions.

  • Promote the transfer of knowledge and innovation through joint projects.

  • Increase the visibility of Portuguese science and technology in Nordic Europe.

Creation of the Scientific Council

As part of this agreement, a Scientific Council was created consisting of up to 10 members, including a chair, who will be responsible for advising on collaboration opportunities, promoting knowledge transfer and empowering diplomatic representations with up-to-date knowledge. The Scientific Council will meet at least once a year, alternately in Portugal and in the Nordic countries.

Responsibilities and Funding

FCT undertakes to:

  • Ratify the members of the Scientific Council proposed by SPOT Nordic.

  • Financing the activities inherent to the protocol and explained in the SPOT Nordic Activity Plan.

  • Provide infrastructure for meetings and publicize the research and innovation panorama in Portugal.

SPOT Nordic will be responsible for:

  • Maintain an updated database of Portuguese students and researchers in Nordic Europe.

  • Promote partnerships and collaboration opportunities between Portuguese and Nordic institutions.

  • Coordinate the activities of the Scientific Council and organize strategic events.

  • Report every six months to FCT on the development of activities.

Projects and Initiatives

The projects developed under this protocol will cover several areas of research, promoting innovation and strengthening international partnerships. Initiatives include granting research grants, organizing scientific events and developing joint projects that aim to address global challenges through international collaboration.

Next steps

With the signing of this protocol, FCT and SPOT Nordic are committed to implementing the first activities and projects in 2024. This joint effort aims not only to reinforce scientific and technological ties between Portugal and the Nordic countries, but also to create a sustainable platform for future collaborations and scientific advances.

For more information about this protocol and associated projects, visit our page dedicated to the FCT & SPOT Nordic Protocol.


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